Mathematics for Business
Dr. Gary Bronson is a Professor in the Information Systems and Decision Sciences department at Fairleigh Dickinson University, where he was twice voted the College's Teacher or the Year and received the University's Distinguished Research award. He has worked as a senior engineer at Lockheed Electronics, an invited lecturer and consultant to Bell Laboratories, and a software consultant to a number of Wall Street financial firms. He has authored several successful programming textbooks on C, C++, Java, and Visual Basic, in addition to a number of journal articles in fixed-income finance and programming. His Excel primer, Essential Excel Toolkit, is due for publication in Fall 2014. Dr. Richard Bronson is Professor Emeritus in the Mathematics department at Fairleigh Dickinson University, where he has won the University's Distinguished Teaching, Research, and Faculty Service awards, including the Distinguished College or University Teaching award by the New Jersey Section of the Mathematical Association of America. He has authored several successful texts in Matrix Methods, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Finite Mathematics, and Operations Research. He has also published a number of journal articles in mathematics and system simulation. His latest publication is a political thriller named Antispin. Maureen Kieff is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Information Systems and Decision Sciences department at Fairleigh Dickinson. She has received 12 awards during her career for outstanding teaching and service to students, the latest being the 2014 College Teacher of The Year. She has co-authored ten research articles published in academic journals, primarily addressing mutual fund performance.