'Atiqot Volume 59
Text in English and Hebrew: Contents: A Hebrew Seal from Bet Shemesh and Another of Unknown Provenance in the Israel Antiquities Authority Collection (Benjamin Sass) Excavations at Horbat Malta, Lower Galilee (Karen Covello-Paran); Metal Finds (Tali Kan-Cipor Meron); Fauna (Carole Cope) Petrographic Analysis of the Persian-Period Pottery from Horbat Malta (Amir Gorzalczany) Results of Three Small Excavations in Nahf, Upper Galilee (Howard Smithline) Late Roman-Early Byzantine Burial Caves at Shelomi (Fanny Vitto); The Coins (Gabriela Bijovsky and Robert Kool) A Burial Cave from the Fourth Century CE at Elqosh, Upper Galilee (Fanny Vitto) The Coins from Elqosh (Gabriela Bijovsky and Helena Sokolov) Khirbat el-Hawarit: A Ceramic Workshop on the Mount Hermon Slopes (Moshe Hartal, Nicholas Hudson and Andrea M.Berlin) Elemental and Petrographic Analyses of Local and Imported Ceramics from Crusader Acre (S. Yona Waksman, Edna J. Stern, Irina Segal, Naomi Porat and Joseph Yellin) Summaries of the Hebrew Section: Burial Caves of the Intermediate Bronze Age (Early Bronze Age IV) at Hanita (Eli Yannai and Arieh Rochman-Halperin) A Middle Bronze Age IIA-B Tomb at Bet She'an (Michael Cohen, with a contribution by Yossi Najar) Caves from the Iron Age and Early Roman Period at 'Ein el-Luza, Jerusalem (Zvi Greenhut and Zubair Adawi) A Burial Cave from the Late Roman and Mamluk Periods at 'Ar'ara (Doron Lipkonsky, with contributions by Yehoshua Drey and Ariel Berman) Glass Vessels from the Burial Cave at 'Ar'ara (Ruth E. Jackson-Tal) Human Skeletal Remains from the Mamluk-Period Burial Cave at 'Ar'ara (Yossi Nagar and Vered Eshed)