What If ... The Conspiracy Is Real?
Maggie Weiss, a vibrant, free-thinking, grown-up Ôchild of the Ô60ÕsÕ, was an only child, born of German immigrant parents, and although inquisitive to the extreme, her heritage was never discussed. When an unfortunate accident changes her life forever, her confining disability leads her down a path of secrets, lies and betrayal. As she, along with her fellow journalist and companion, Jake Rigley, uncover a radical plan aimed at destroying the most powerful nation on earth, the growing evidence is quickly compiled. Yet, they ignore every warning; the irrefutable data they uncover proves, beyond any doubt, that the Ôso-calledÕ conspiracies are more than just ÔtheoriesÕ, theyÕre indeed shocking fact. Will anyone believe them? Will they survive or will they be silenced? Can the nightmarish outcome be prevented? Or, even worse, will history repeat itself?