Bibliography and Ore Occurrence Data
Handbook of Strata-Bound and Stratiform Ore Deposits, Volume 10: Bibliography and Ore Occurrence Data Indexes, Volumes 8-10 focuses on bibliography and ore occurrence data indexes. The selection first elaborates on the supplementary bibliography of strata-bound and stratiform ore deposits from 1974-1978, including information on antimony, bismuth, chromium, climatology, copper, diffusion, fluid inclusions, fluorite, isotopes, lead-zinc, lithium, magnesite, and manganese. Also mentioned are metallogeny, metamorphism, placers, red beads, sulfides, uranium, and vanadium. The book also presents data on the worldwide distribution of stratiform and strata-bound ore deposits, as well as data sources and reliability, maps of North and South America, Europe, Asia, Australia and western Pacific, and Africa. The text offers information on references index part III and subject index part III. The selection is a valuable source of data for researchers wanting to explore ore deposits.