Effect of Circuit Training and Continuous Training on the development of Selected Physical and Physiological Variables among Long Distance Runners
Prof. Rajesh Kumar has obtained his Bachelor degree, Masters degree and doctoral degree in Physical Education from Osmania University, Hyderabad and Diploma in Sports Coaching in Athletics from Sports Authority of India. He is presently working as Chairman and Principal, Department of Physical Education, Osmania University, Hyderabad, T.S. India. He is Visiting Professor, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Universitas Negeri, Yogyakarta, Indonesia in the year 2020. He is the President, International Federation of Physical Education, Fitness and Sports Science Association and Secretary General, Indian Federation of Computer Science in Sports Former Board of Director, International Association of Computer Science in Sports..He is a International Master Athlete participated in the World Masters Athletics Championships held at Finland 2009 and Asian Masters Athletics Championships held at Thailand 2009, Malaysia 2010, Chinese Taipei 2012, Singapore 2016.Bronze Medalist in 5000 M Run in the Asian Masters Athletics Championships held at Bangalore 2006.. He is Indian Athletics Team Coach in the 30th World Universiade held at Napoli, Italy from 2nd to 14th July 2019. Chief Delegation of Osmania University Chess Team in the Asian Universities Chess Championships held at Tagaytay City, Philippines from 26 May to 2 June 2018.He is a Manager of Indian Sepak Takraw Mens Team which Secured Bronze Medal in the Sepak Takraw World Cup championships held at Hyderabad in November 2017. He has participated and Present the papers in the International Conferences at London, China, Istanbul, Mauritius, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Bahrain etc.He has published more than 100 research papers in National and International reputed Journals in Scopus, Web of Science, ISI Journals,UGC Care List, Peer Reviewed etc. 2 Foreign Students and 8 Indian Students Awarded Doctorate Degree in Physical Education, Osmania University under his guidance.He has published and edited many books.He has Received many Awards such as IFPEFSSA Award – 2018, Best Professor in Physical Education Studies by Dewang Mehta National Edn. Awards 2019, IRSD Preeminent Educator Award 2020, Insc Award 2021 – Principal of the Year Award 2021, Excellence Service Award -2021. Best Faculty Award 2021 – Vertex Research and Technology, India