Addenda und Corrigenda zum Buch "Die Slavica der Wiener Mechitharisten-Druckerei"
This is an addendum to the book "Slavonic and Slavic Publications by the Mechitarist Monks in Vienna" by G. Wytrzens, which was published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences in the year 1985, and which represents a contribution to the history of publication in Vienna and the history of civilization in Austria. This addendum was written by A. Hovakimian, who assisted G. Wytrzens in writing his book. Further research and many references by colleagues made possible this necessary supplement. In addition to the almost 400 books the description of which appeared in the year 1985, there were added another 110 mostly Southslavonic ones. The aspired to completeness could not be attained. The work in hand testifies to the abundance of cultural interrelation between Armenia and the Slavonic countries.