Cytokines in Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock
This book deals with the central role of cytokines in the generalized inflammatory response of the host as the consequence of severe infection/endotoxin action. International specialists cover several aspects in 20 chapters starting with the agents responsible (endotoxin, superantigens) and recognition during cytokine induction. Further chapters deal with the signal transduction cascade, its modulation due to sex or genetic polymorphism, and the possibilities and problems in detection (including surrogate markers). Major targets of actions are covered in the chapters on coagulation-/fibrinolysis, adherence molecules, vasoactive factors, apoptosis and metabolism. As not all actions of cytokines are beneficial, several chapters deal with the prevention of induction, modulation of the cytokine generation or scavenging cytokines including gene therapy approaches. Models are necessary for obtaining pathophysiological information and for testing therapeutic approaches, and thus all chapters deal with experimental models as well as clinical trials. The reasons why these have failed so far are the subject of the final chapter.