Tradition and Interpretation in Matthew
'The book is written with all the completeness of scholarship we should expect in Professor Bornkamm and in pupils strongly influenced by him . . . It is a n important discussion of views emphasized in the School of Matthew which future commentators and students of biblical theology will need to take into account. Christology, the Church, discipleship, faith, law and tradition are some of the main themes treated in this exhaustive and scholarly discussion'. (Vincent Taylor in The Expository Times) 'The reviewer is compelled to express admiration for the fine scholarship of the writers and their unity of aim, which draws the reader, through sharing in detailed critical study, into fresh understanding of the Christian revelation'. (Journal of Theological Studies) 'One of the most important books we have on the Gospel of Matthew'. (Floyd V. Filson in Theology Today) These close and detailed studies represent a real advance in the understanding of the purpose and theology of the first evangelist'. (Henry Chadwick in the Church of England Newspaper) This volume, first published in 1963, is a pioneering work in the practice of 'redaction criticism'.