The Science of Human Social Organization
This book deals with Ibn Khaldun's ilm al-umran (science of social organization) which seems to generate different and conflicting views. To investigate the reason(s) behind such wide disagreements, this study examined some 300 written works that dealt briefly or extensively with Ibn Khaldun's ideas. The study found that many of these sources asserted that Ibn Khaldun's ilm al-umran enabled him to become the forerunner of one or more of the social sciences. However little has been mentioned about the nature of this science. Thus, the purpose of this study is to present the different views as to why and how the Arab-Muslim Ibn Khaldun is given the credit of being the first, the father, and the one who laid down the foundation of social sciences. This study concludes that the prime reason for this unsettled issue is the different interpretations of the subject matter of al-umran. To enhance our conclusion, Ibn Khaldun's major ideas are presented in some detail. Moreover, for the first time, this study applies the rigorous criteria of modern science to Ibn Khaldun's ilm (science). that Ibn Khaldun's main ideas anticipated some modern social thought. This study emphasizes the fact that Ibn Khaldun belongs to the fourteenth century; and, hence, some of his generalizations are not applicable today. However, this should not prevent one from selecting those segments of his work that currently appear relevant and that can be compared with modern thought. In this case, neither are Ibn Khaldun's ideas exaggerated nor are modern writings belittled.