Latinx Comic Book Storytelling
Latino Comic Book Storytelling: An Odyssey by InterviewA new illustrated collection of interviews by Frederick Luis AldamaPrologue by Ricardo Padilla; Foreword by Héctor Fernández L'Hoeste; Afterword by Christopher GonzálezHyperbole Books, an imprint of San Diego State University Press, is thrilled to announce a path breaking new book edited by Latina/o Studies genius Frederick Luis Aldama, featuring interviews with an amazing assortment of talents presently redefining comics, graphic narrative, and sequential art. This marvelous stew of dialogue and semiotic inquiry promises to leave a lasting mark in both the comics and academic universes! The book includes the word and art of Lalo Alcatraz, José Cabrera, Jaime Crespo, Frank Espinosa, Eric Garcia, Jason González, John González, Raúl Gonzalez the Third, Jaime Hernandez, Javier Hernandez, Alberto Ledesma, Liz Mayorga, Rhode Montijo, Alex Olivas, Daniel Parada, Jimmy Portillo, Jules Rivera, Fernando Rodriguez, Grasiela Rodriguez, Hector Rodriguez, Octavio Rodriguez, Rafael Rosado, Carlos Saldaña, Wilfred Santiago, Serenity Sersecion, and Lila Quintero Weaver.Aldama stretches open a new space of critical thinking about Latinidad and comics in the 21st century. As a living lightning rod, Aldama captures then spins out anew psionic thunderbolts of intellectual and creative insight offered by today's Latino comic book storytellers. With Aldama and his cadre of Fantastic 24 you get the alpha to omega of Latino comics. Prepare yourself. This is the Big Bang!Ana Merino, The University of Iowa and author of Chris Ware: La secuencia circular and El cómic hispánicoIn this groundbreaking book Aldama takes the reader with him into a dynamic sequential world that is, unfortunately, seldom seen. Through these conversations we become privy to the struggles, inspirations, and triumphs of the Latino/a comics artist. It's an amazing Odyssey in every sense of the word!John Jennings, SUNY, Buffalo, comics creator, scholar, curator and co-editor of The Blacker the Ink: Constructions of Black Identity in Comics and Sequential Art