Ferri's Clinical Advisor 2014 E-Book
Ferri's Clinical Advisor is the fastest, most effective way to access current diagnostic and therapeutic information on more than 700 common medical conditions. Dr. Fred Ferri’s popular "5 books in 1" format provides quick guidance on menorrhagia, Failure to Thrive (FTT), Cogan’s syndrome, and much more. Now featuring expanded online components, it makes the answers you need for your family practice even easier to find - anytime, anywhere. Rapidly find the answers you need with separate sections on diseases and disorders, differential diagnosis, clinical algorithms, laboratory results, and clinical preventive services, plus an at-a-glance format that uses cross-references, outlines, bullets, tables, boxes, and algorithms to expedite reference. Review normal values and interpret results for more than 200 lab tests. Get the insurance billing codes you require, including ICD-9-CM codes, to expedite insurance reimbursements. Improve your family healthcare practice’s efficiency with cost-effective referral and consultation guidelines. Identify and treat a broader range of disorders, including renal and epidural abscess and cardio-renal syndrome, with 23 new topics in the Diseases & Disorders section. Improve your interpretation of presenting symptoms with 39 new topics in the Differential Diagnosis section, and optimize patient care with 12 new tables in the Clinical Practice Guidelines section. Rapidly find the answers you need with separate sections on diseases and disorders, differential diagnosis, clinical algorithms, laboratory results, and clinical preventive services, plus an at-a-glance format that uses cross-references, outlines, bullets, tables, boxes, and algorithms to expedite reference. Get the insurance billing codes you require for your family healthcare practice with ICD-9-CM codes, to expedite insurance reimbursements. Access full-color images and 65 online-only topics at Expert Consult, as well as online-only contents including EBMs, Suggested Reading, Patient Teaching Guides, and additional algorithms.