Bees and Bee-Keeping Scientific and Practical - A Complete Treatise on the Anatomy, Physiology, Floral Relations, and Profitable Management of the Hive Bee - Vol. I. Scientific
This is volume I of "Bees and Bee-Keeping Scientific and Practical". It is a detailed treatise on bees with chapters on physiology, floral relations, anatomy, and profitable management. Profusely illustrated and full of interesting and useful information, "Bees and Bee-Keeping Scientific and Practical" is highly recommended for modern enthusiasts and collectors alike. Contents include: "Wild and Hive Bees", "Economy of Hive Bee", "General Structure", "Nerve System", "Salivary (?) Glands of Bees", "Tongue and Mouth Parts", "Organs of Special Sense: Antennae and Eyes", "Thorax and Legs", "Wings and Flight: Buzzing and Humming", "Segregation of Wax, and Bee Architecture", "Sting Structure", etc. Many vintage books such as this are becoming increasingly scarce and expensive. We are republishing this volume now in an affordable, modern, high-quality edition complete with a specially commissioned new introduction on Bee-keeping.