Second Chance
The only reason this book was possible is due to Amherst Drug Court, Horizon Village and the support from my family. I would like to thank the drug court staff, judge Mark Farrell, all my counselors, Resident Assistants, family and peers from Horizon Village. To start, Amherst Drug Court for not just sending me to jail and giving up on me. That they gave me the option and then took the time when they saw potential and hope to send me to Horizon Village, ninety day inpatient rehab. To Horizon Village, all the knowledge, time, compassion, faith and support the counselors and Resident Assistant's gave was second to none. Not only did the counselors teach me about the disease of addiction, but went the extra mile to give me additional information in reference to my personal tribulations to help with my recovery and handle cravings and urges. The Resident Assistant's, for making time to print all my rough draft stories and showing me so much support on this book. To my family, for their unconditional love and for never throwing in the towel and for supporting my idea about writing this book of my personal stories on addiction. To my peers from Horizon Village, for all your support that I write this book to help all addicts suffering from this disease of addiction. I just hope and pray these stories help others as much as they helped me by writing and re-reading these true stories.