A Collection of Plays by Mark Frank
A Collection of Plays by Mark Frank: Volume II introduces seven new plays by playwright Mark Frank. In the powerful drama No-Code, Matt Mitchell enters the cruel world of nursing homes. In the comedy, Greek Soup, we meet famous tragic characters from Greek literature as they all work together to save their restaurant in Athens, New York, from being shut down by the Health Inspector. In the comedy Just Being Barry White, Gunther Heimleck, has the spirit of Barry White enter his body to sweep the girl of his dreams off her feet. In the drama, The Color of Slumber, Logan must try to escape the dream he is trapped in by the mysterious "her" and fight off the evil Mr. Shroud. In the one-act drama, The War Chest, a young girl falls into her grandfather's war chest and finds herself in Germany, World War II during the Jewish Holocaust. In the one-act comedy, Remember the Audience we find out what happens when the audience creates a play on the spot. In the one-act comedy, Life, Cigarettes and the Great, Great Beyond we join Hitler, Jesus, and Elvis for a smoke and conversation in the great beyond.