Pediatric Neurology
Recognizing patterns of disease can be the first step to successful management of the child with a neurological problem; this is emphasized by the authors throughout the book. Their concise, precise account reflects the remarkable recent advances in pediatric neurology and related disciplines, while stressing the fundamentals of clinical examination and history taking in reaching an accurate diagnosis. The book begins with a detailed discussion of neurological examination techniques and the basic formulation of differential diagnoses and management, using neuroradiology, electrophysiology, cerebrospinal fluids, genetic and metabolic testing. The second section of the book follows a problem-based approach, just as diseases present in the real world. It employs practical, symptom- and sign-based strategies for virtually all conditions encountered by the practitioner. The final section on neurological emergencies recognizes that such conditions present first to someone other than a pediatric neurologist. This new color handbook is illustrated throughout by a wealth of top-quality clinical photos and imaging, and is of interest to pediatric neurologists, general pediatricians, primary care physicians and emergency physicians, in training and practice.