The contents of this issue are: Editorial: Polemical objects, by Philip Armstrong, Stephen Melville, and Erika Naginski; Visuality and pictoriality, by Whitney Davis; Renaissance art comes into fashion, by Alexander Nagel; Battle controversy and two polemical images by Sodoma, by Tomoo Matsubara; Impossible objects, by Joseph Koerner; Counter reformation polemic and Mannerist counter-aesthetics: Bronzino's Martyrdom of St. Lawrence in San Lorenzo, by Stephen J. Campbell; Helena and her double in the galeria by Cavalier Marino, by Victor Stoichita; Julien's Poussin, or the limits of sculpture, by Erika Naginski; Riegl's Mache, by Christopher Wood; Rodchenko's monochromes and the perfection of painting, by Philip Armstrong; Richard Serra: Taking the measure of the impossible, by Stephen Melville; Sherrie Levine's painting: Art history without names, by Howard Singerman; 'Specific' objects, by Rosalind Krauss; Ten predicaments, by Mel Bochner; Bodies at rest...or the object of Surrealism, by Edward Powers; and In honor of savage values, by Jean Dubuffet, with a correspondence with Claude Levi-Strauss, and edited, translated, and with a preface by Kent