Crescendo to Becoming
This book is truly Cav. Francesco Fiorentino's labor of love. It was originally written around 2010 but was abandoned when the author lost his forty-four-year-old daughter to cancer. Thanks to the insistence and inspiration of his twelve grandchildren the rewriting of the book has been resurrected into this edition entitled Crescendo to Becoming, which translates to Growing to Becoming. Through this book, the author shares with us most, if not all, the kinds and types of person he has become during his lifetime, including some of his beliefs, some of his knowledge, and some of his feelings that impacted and influenced greatly what he ultimately became. The book is also a testimonial about his strong belief that God is the Creator of all things visible and invisible, but he makes no bones about the fact that God created us to be always in a crescendo mode, and in that, we have the opportunity to have considerable input and influence into what we ultimately become. The book makes a strong case, that while there is a lot that a person cannot control in his life, there is also a great deal that he can control: what he thinks, what he does, what he says, and what he becomes. In conclusion, the author believes that we always become tomorrow that which today we still are not. Everything we think, everything we are, and everything we can become is only possible because we are able to grow, learn, and change.