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Geometric and Topological Inference
Geometric and Topological Inference
Geometric and topological inference deals with the retrieval of information about a geometric object using only a finite set of possibly noisy sample points. It has connections to manifold learning and provides the mathematical and algorithmic foundations of the rapidly evolving field of topological data analysis. Building on a rigorous treatment of simplicial complexes and distance functions, this self-contained book covers key aspects of the field, from data representation and combinatorial questions to manifold reconstruction and persistent homology. It can serve as a textbook for graduate students or researchers in mathematics, computer science and engineering interested in a geometric approach to data science.
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The Structure and Stability of Persistence Modules
The Structure and Stability of Persistence Modules
This book is a comprehensive treatment of the theory of persistence modules over the real line. It presents a set of mathematical tools to analyse the structure and to establish the stability of such modules, providing a sound mathematical framework for the study of persistence diagrams. Completely self-contained, this brief introduces the notion of persistence measure and makes extensive use of a new calculus of quiver representations to facilitate explicit computations. Appealing to both beginners and experts in the subject, The Structure and Stability of Persistence Modules provides a purely algebraic presentation of persistence, and thus complements the existing literature, which focuses mainly on topological and algorithmic aspects.
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Paris, le 6 décembre 1986. Suite une manifestation estudiantine contre le projet de réforme universitaire du ministre délégué Alain Devaquet une tragique bavure policière entraîne la mort de Malik Oussekine, jeune étudiant de 22 ans. A la suite de cette tragédie, Devaquet présente sa démission. 30 ans après Jeanne Puchol et Laurent-Frédéric Bollée ravivent notre attention sur cet événement très médiatisé, qui aujourd'hui encore trouve des retentissements dans une France en proie à de nombreux troubles sociaux.
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