Making Sense of Nursing Portfolios: a Guide for Students
This accessible book provides a guide to the context of portfolio development and its importance not just to assessment but to the patient experience. All students undertaking pre-registration nursing qualifications are required to complete a portfolio as part of their formal assessment, in order to bridge the gap between theory and practice and to provide evidence of achievements in practice. Fiona Timmins offers a handy guide to approaching, putting together and developing an effective portfolio, helping you answer questions like: What should be in my portfolio? How should I present it? How will my portfolio be assessed? Reflection points and portfolio examples make the book easy to use. Key topics covered include: Learning in the context of the portfolio The purpose of portfolios Reflection and reflective practice Competence in nursing Portfolio content Portfolio structure The portfolio in operation Making Sense of Portfolios is essential reading for all pre- and post-registration nursing students looking for a clear and accessible guide to creating and developing a portfolio. "Each chapter's activities are hands-on and should make the book a useful and enjoyable experience. It will appeal to students and teachers as a one-stop shop for portfolio advice and support." Nursing Standard "This text is much needed. Clearly written and engaging, this has the potential to become a gold standard portfolio text." Roger Watson, Editor of Journal of Clinical Nursing and Professor of Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, The University of Sheffield "Having read this book, I feel that it is not only useful for nursing students, but could be useful for qualified nurses who are working on their continuing professional development folder... As students progress through their course, how they manage their time, their attitude to learning and the goals they set for themselves may change." Joanne Starkes, Nursing Student "Fiona Timmins has made the topic of nursing portfolios easy to understand with simple terms and many helpful activities throughout while still being easy to read...I will deffinately be refering to this book throughout my 3 years as a student nurse making my portfolio and would reccomend others to do so as well." Laura Franklin, Nursing Student "Fiona Timmins has written a book which is not just usefull for student nurses but it also makes the topic easier to understand." Vicky Bain, Nursing Student "Fiona Timmins has produced a book that is not only simple and easy to read but provides activities that enable the reader to think deeper about the information they include within their portfolio... This is one book, which I wish I had the chance to read in my first year, but it will be a handy companion while I complete my portfolio. I will recommend this book to my fellow classmates and also students in the years bellow, as they will defiantly benefit from this book." Leanne Haigh, Nursing Student