Social & Economic Dynamics of Development
International Conference of Political Economy (ICOPEC ), takes as a goal to identify and analyze the status of its age, held its first conference with the theme "International Political Economy: Adam Smith Today " in 2009. Following the ICOPEC conference, JOPEC Publication started to be published in 2010 . JOPEC Publication aims at searching required alternatives, in addition to existing alternatives, with a critical approach, has been the main supporter of ICOPEC conference by including the studies in this context. In 2016, ICOPEC conferences were turned into a conference series with its 7th conference and the main theme of the 7th conference was determined as “State, Economic Policy, Taxation and Development". JOPEC Publication has undertaken to publish the papers, presented at this conference in English and Turkish, as an e-book. It is reasonable to accept that there is no simple answer to achieving development. Today, almost all approaches to development recognize that fighting poverty and unemployment, increasing social and human capital, establishing institutional state capacity and social-political stability and even creating a developmental culture are important factors to enhance economic performance of the nations. is book presents some case studies on macroeconomic issues such as unemployment, tax structure and R&D activities/supports, on socio-economic dimensions such as gender problems in economic activities, and industrial relations and on consuming behaviors.