Integration of Alternative Sources of Energy
A unique electrical engineering approach to alternative sources ofenergy Unlike other books that deal with alternative sources of energyfrom a mechanical point of view, Integration of Alternative Sourcesof Energy takes an electrical engineering perspective. Moreover,the authors examine the full spectrum of alternative and renewableenergy with the goal of developing viable methods of integratingenergy sources and storage efficiently. Readers become thoroughlyconversant with the principles, possibilities, and limits ofalternative and renewable energy. The book begins with a general introduction and then reviewsprinciples of thermodynamics. Next, the authors explore both commonand up-and-coming alternative energy sources, including hydro,wind, solar, photovoltaic, thermosolar, fuel cells, and biomass.Following that are discussions of microturbines and inductiongenerators, as well as a special chapter dedicated to energystorage systems. After setting forth the fundamentals, the authorsfocus on how to integrate the various energy sources for electricalpower production. Discussions related to system operation,maintenance, and management, as well as standards forinterconnection, are also set forth. Throughout the book, diagrams are provided to demonstrate theelectrical operation of all the systems that are presented. Inaddition, extensive use of examples helps readers better grasp howintegration of alternative energy sources can beaccomplished. The final chapter gives readers the opportunity to learn about theHOMER Micropower Optimization Model. This computer model, developedby the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), assists in thedesign of micropower systems and facilitates comparisons of powergeneration techniques. Readers can download the software from theNREL Web site. This book is a must-read for engineers, consultants, regulators,and environmentalists involved in energy production and delivery,helping them evaluate alternative energy sources and integrate theminto an efficient energy delivery system. It is also a superiortextbook for upper-level undergraduates and graduate students.