Very High Energy Cosmic Gamma Radiation
Gamma ray astronomy, the branch of high energy astrophysics that studies the sky in energetic Ýgamma¨-ray photons, is destined to play a crucial role in the exploration of nonthermal phenomena in the Universe in their most extreme and violent forms. This book presents the motivations and highlights the principal objectives of the field, as well as demonstrates its intrinsic links to other branches of high energy astrophysics. Preference is given to three topical areas: (i) origin of cosmic rays: (ii) physics and astrophysics of relativistic jets: (iii) observational gamma ray cosmology. Also, a significant part of the book is devoted to the discussion of the principal mechanisms of production and absorption of energetic Ýgamma¨-rays in different astrophysical environments, as well as to the description of the detection methods of high energy cosmic Ýgamma¨- radiation.