We Were Are and Will Be
"Literature is that which makes the invisible, visible."I ask the saints of heaven to help me with my thinking. I ask for your assistance as well. It is time for me to tell my story. May they refresh my memory and clarify my thoughts. - Jose Hernandez"After the anthropologist's rescue operation ended, Patricia was left to decide whether or not to accuse her husband, the real estate broker, lawyer, and criminal, Carlos Mendoza. Eloísa and Nico left Rio Hacha, a Colombian town in the Guajira region with 20,848 square kilometers and 255,000 inhabitants, the homeland of the Guaya Indian, and traveled to Santa Marta, a Colombian department with 22,901 square kilometers and 769,141 inhabitants. From there, the indomitable Puerto Rican, Eloísa Mercado Rivera, traveled to Cartagena de Indias, the capital of the Colombian state of Bolivar with 25,964 square kilometers and 1,197,623 inhabitants.