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Göytepe: Neolithic Excavations in the Middle Kura Valley, Azerbaijan
Göytepe: Neolithic Excavations in the Middle Kura Valley, Azerbaijan
This volume publishes the first round of fieldwork and research (2008-2013) at Göytepe, a key site for understanding the emergence and development of food-producing communities in the South Caucasus. Results include findings relating to chronology, architecture, technology, social organisation, plant and animal exploitation, and more.
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The Kura Projects
The Kura Projects
Zwei deutsch-französische Forschungsprojekte werfen neues Licht auf die holozäne Landschafts- und Kulturgeschichte des Kuratals. Die multidisziplinären Ausgrabungen und Surveys, die von 2010 bis 2015 stattfanden, bringen neue Erkenntnisse für die Rekonstruktion der Umwelt sowie zu den ökonomischen und rituellen Aktivitäten im Südkaukasus. Die aktuellen Grabungsergebnisse zeigen, dass sich die Ausdehnung der bäuerlichen Lebensweise in den Südkaukasus anders vollzog als die neolithische Expansion nach Anatolien und Südosteuropa. The articles included in this volume refer to two research projects, the general idea of which was to give the cultural and landscape history during Holocene period a solid foundation with help from new excavations and surveys. Through detailed studies, the authors thematize aspects like environmental reconstruction, economic activities and symbolic acts, while the excavation results offer a look into hitherto unknown phenomena of the Neolithic and Chalcolithic of the Southern Caucasus. They demonstrate that the expansion of the agrarian lifestyle in the Southern Caucasus occurred in forms other than those of the Neolithic Expansion of Anatolian and southeastern Europe.
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