Blossoming in Amman
Blossoming in Amman is a novel from youth to youth, telling the stories of four young women in their late twenties, and how each of them searches for a different meaning to give her own life. In the pages of the novel, the characters tell us about their fears, dreams and love. They explain their hopes and passion about life in a scenario in which they wrestle with the interpretation of the forbidden and the permitted and discuss the different perspectives of "right and wrong"! The novel presents the characters' dialogue with themselves, as these dialogues tell in details a set of dialectical discussions within a person's mind before S/he makes a decision, or after S/he goes through a certain experience. The pages of the novel tell a story about the relationship between the woman and herself and between herself and the circle of life and the social conditions that surround her. Where it dives into the feelings of eternal joy inside the hearts, the pains and tears and fears all along the road, and the challenges that any girl living in an eastern society may face. In the midst of the complex story for each character, there is no conclusion for a rule to be followed, but rather a mechanism of self-reconciliation that does not justify any mistakes but draws a smile on the face and push us always to search for new experiences in life.