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Live/Real Time 3D Echocardiography
Live/Real Time 3D Echocardiography
This comprehensive, state-of-the-art review of both live/real time 3D transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography illustrates both normal and pathologic cardiovascular findings. With more than 800 images that detail the technique of performing these studies and demonstrate various cardiovascular pathologies, as well as a DVD containing more than 350 moving images, it is a valuable compendium for both novice and experienced practitioners. The book opens with chapters on the history of 3D echocardiography and basic and technical aspects of live/real time 3D transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiograpy, then considers: normal anatomy, examination protocols, and the technique for performing live/real time 3D transthoracic echocardiography abnormalities affecting the mitral, aortic, tricuspid, and pulmonary valves and the aorta prosthetic heart valves 3D echocardiographic assessment of left and right ventricular function, ischemic heart disease, and cardiomyopathies congenital cardiac lesions tumors and other mass lesions pericardial disorders live/real time 3D transesophageal echocardiography It concludes with coverage of some of the most recent advances in 3D technology, real time full-volume imaging, and 3D wall tracking, including 3D assessment of strain, strain rate, twist, and torsion. Vividly demonstrating the superiority of 3D echocardiography over conventional 2D imaging in several clinical situations, this carefully produced volume shows how to use the most recent technology for better assessment of cardiovascular disease.
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Revolution and Disenchantment
Revolution and Disenchantment
The Arab Revolutions that began in 2011 reignited interest in the question of theory and practice, imbuing it with a burning political urgency. In Revolution and Disenchantment Fadi A. Bardawil redescribes for our present how an earlier generation of revolutionaries, the 1960s Arab New Left, addressed this question. Bardawil excavates the long-lost archive of the Marxist organization Socialist Lebanon and its main theorist, Waddah Charara, who articulated answers in their political practice to fundamental issues confronting revolutionaries worldwide: intellectuals as vectors of revolutionary theory; political organizations as mediators of theory and praxis; and nonemancipatory attachments as impediments to revolutionary practice. Drawing on historical and ethnographic methods and moving beyond familiar reception narratives of Marxist thought in the postcolony, Bardawil engages in "fieldwork in theory" that analyzes how theory seduces intellectuals, cultivates sensibilities, and authorizes political practice. Throughout, Bardawil underscores the resonances and tensions between Arab intellectual traditions and Western critical theory and postcolonial theory, deftly placing intellectuals from those traditions into a much-needed conversation.
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Differential Diagnoses in Surgical Pathology Tumors and their Mimickers E-Book
Differential Diagnoses in Surgical Pathology Tumors and their Mimickers E-Book
An essential resource to solve challenging cases and sign out with confidence! An all-new volume in the popular Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology series, Differential Diagnoses in Surgical Pathology: Tumors and Their Mimickers is a crucial foundation text for residents and pathologists. Packed with information that helps you quickly differentiate entities that have similar, overlapping histopathologic features, it guides you through the decision-making process, providing a road map to the main differential diagnostic considerations that must be addressed when formulating a diagnosis. Practical and affordable, this resource is ideal for study and review, as well as for everyday surgical pathology practice.Key features of this practical text include: - Concise summaries of clinical and pathologic findings that guide you through the decision-making process, with coverage of most common and uncommon differential diagnoses in surgical pathology. - Numerous high-quality illustrations of similar-looking but distinct entities for easy side-by-side comparison. - Illustrations for each entity accompanied by a clear, concise histopathologic descriptions that highlight how they are distinguished from one another. - A consistent, user-friendly format and at-a-glance boxes and tables throughout the text, as well as selected references for further study. - Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
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L'Église orthodoxe d'Antioche, le mariage et le mariage mixte
L'Église orthodoxe d'Antioche, le mariage et le mariage mixte
Le mariage, l’un des sacrements orthodoxes, préfigure l’Église qui accueille, nourrit et véhicule la communion de foi de ses fidèles. La foi est don de Dieu et réponse de celui qui la reçoit, trait d’union entre grâce divine et liberté humaine. Mais, l’unité de foi implique aussi l’unité sacramentelle, surtout dans le mariage. Dans ce sens, les mariages mixtes peuvent engendrer des problèmes conceptuels, juridiques et sociologiques. Pourtant, ils sont toujours célébrés. Cet ouvrage pose un certain nombre de questions. Faut-il mettre en garde les couples mixtes ? Sont-ils moins bien considérés que les « vrais » couples orthodoxes ? Les diverses positions orthodoxes liées aux mariages mixtes sont-elles vraiment conformes à l’esprit de l’Église universelle – Mysticum corpus Christi ? Pour l’Église orthodoxe, le mariage mixte est « incomplet » car il ne porte aucune unité de foi et n’est pas scellé par l’eucharistie, même s’il a les mêmes effets juridiques que le mariage ecclésial. Cette pratique ne risque-t-elle pas de porter atteinte à la liberté humaine, ou de pousser certains fidèles à s’engager, malgré eux, dans une double appartenance confessionnelle ? C’est entre autres à ces questions que ce livre tente de répondre.
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Le Beau Dumesnil
Le Beau Dumesnil
Séducteur, scandaleux, opportuniste, joueur, éloquent, méticuleux jusqu'au zèle, le marquis de Chastellier-Dumesnil n'a jamais cessé de diviser. Sans être dupe des légendes, Fadi El Hage a exploité de nombreuses archives, pour la plupart jamais exploitées et pour certaines inédites, afin de retracer le destin hors-norme d'un personnage qui, de son Dauphiné natal, a su conquérir la Cour, est parvenu à côtoyer les plus grands personnages de son temps, avant de se brûler les ailes dans sa province d'origine. À travers la vie du « beau Dumesnil », c'est le XVIIIe siècle qui ressurgit sous nos yeux.
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Live/Real Time 3D Echocardiography
Live/Real Time 3D Echocardiography
Now there is a source of recent information on the basic and clinical usefulness of real-time 3D echocardiography for echocardiographers, cardiologists, cardiac sonographers, and internists. This excellent reference helps clinicians improve pre- and post-surgical planning, attain better measurement of heart function, decrease exam times, and enhance patient communication. An accompanying DVD shows procedures in real time.
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Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Selected peer-reviwed full text papers from the 9th Annual International Conference on Material Science and Engineering (ICMSE 2021) Selected peer-reviwed full text papers from the 9th Annual International Conference on Material Science and Engineering (ICMSE 2021), July 23-25, 2021, Guiyang, China.
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