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Startup Ecosystems
Startup Ecosystems
This book analyzes the components of the startup ecosystem, including the characteristics that can favor or disadvantage the development of new innovative ventures. The author believes it is essential to identify crucial variables of start-up ecosystems that have a context-specific influence on the well-being and development of startups. In this regard, the book analyzes the concept of the start-up ecosystem both from the point of view of scholars and professionals. The author then deals with the diverse approaches to studying startup ecosystems, which have over the years become increasingly complex, and less linear, making systematization indispensable. The author provides therefore a classification with a transversal logic with respect to this diversity of contributions in the literature. The main theoretical contributions to start-up ecosystems are grouped according to the attention they place on three different variables: territorial contexts, resources, and actors. The author also presents qualitative, interview-based, research using narrative analysis mode to understand the three variables. The work provides, on the one hand, the proposal of a framework as a theoretical interpretative model useful both for the description of the fundamental components of the start-up ecosystem, and also useful for giving a boost to future research. On the other hand, the book also presents evidence of a practical nature useful to support and guide the choices of startup founders and of managers of companies and institutions that orbit within start-up ecosystems.
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Classicism and Romanticism in Italian Literature
Classicism and Romanticism in Italian Literature
"In 1816 a violent literary quarrel engulfed Bourbon Restoration Italy. On one side the Romantics wanted an opening up of Italian culture towards Europe, and on the other the Classicists favoured an inward-looking Italy, based on its Greco-Roman roots. Giacomo Leopardi (1798-1837), a young poet and philosopher, wrote a "Discourse of an Italian on Romantic Poetry" in 1818, aiming to contribute to the debate from a new perspective ; it was finally published in 1906." (source : 4e de couv.).
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A Cultural History of Exploration
A Cultural History of Exploration
"What has driven humanity to expand across the globe? How was it achieved? And what has it meant to be on the receiving end - not the explorer but the explored? In a work that spans more than 5,000 years, these questions are addressed by 43 experts, each contributing their overview of a theme applied to a period in history. Aided by a wide range of case material, they illustrate the meaning of exploration in a global context from antiquity to the present day. Individual volume editors ensure of the cohesion of the whole and, to make it as easy as possible to use, chapter titles are identical across each of the volumes. This gives the choice of reading about a specific period in a single volume, or following a theme across history by reading the relevant chapter in each of the six. The six volumes cover: 1. Antiquity; 2. The Middle Ages; 3. The Early Modern Age; 4. The Age of Expansion and Enlightenment; 5. The Industrial Age; 6. The Modern Age"--
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Dimensioni del diritto
Dimensioni del diritto
Questo lavoro collettivo ha lo scopo di ricostruire il fenomeno giuridico nella ricchezza delle sue dimensioni, muovendo dalla convinzione condivisa che il “diritto” non sia un qualcosa che esiste “di per sé”, ma sia piuttosto un oggetto che implica sempre un riferimento a una pluralità di aspetti, che solo impropriamente possono essere considerati del tutto esterni ad esso. Non si tratta soltanto di far notare che il diritto ha a che fare con le varie dimensioni qui indagate. Più che di un catalogo di questioni legate al diritto da una congiunzione (diritto e ‘giustizia’, diritto e ‘morale’, ecc.) abbiamo cercato di raccogliere una serie di questioni e di problemi che costituiscono il diritto dall’interno, che fanno sì, in altre parole, che il diritto sia ciò che siamo abituati a considerare tale. I singoli capitoli, perciò, vogliono piuttosto affermare che il diritto è giustizia, è morale, è potere, ecc., allo stesso modo in cui è norma, istituzione, giudizio, linguaggio... L’immagine del diritto, per questa via, risulterà dalla ricostruzione delle molte ‘dimensioni’ che con esso hanno a che fare.
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