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Dimelo tu!: A Complete Course
Dimelo tu!: A Complete Course
DÍMELO TÚ!: A COMPLETE COURSE, 6e (with Audio CD) is a communication-driven book with CD program designed to help students develop competency in Spanish by allowing them to interact among themselves and with their instructors on a daily basis. The competency approach challenges students to arrive at an understanding of the Spanish language and Hispanic cultures by tapping into knowledge they already have and applying it to what they are learning. DÍMELO TÚ! encourages students to take an active roll in their progression, emphasizing the students’ responsibility in learning and assigning the role of facilitator to the instructor. The new edition features an enhanced cultural focus, extensive multimedia integration with strong ties to authentic and personal Web 2.0 content, and more. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
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Dimelo tu!: A Complete Course, Revised Edition
Dimelo tu!: A Complete Course, Revised Edition
If you can't live in a Spanish-speaking country, how are you supposed to immerse yourself in the language? DÍMELO TÚ!: A COMPLETE COURSE, REVISED EDITION is revolutionary. It allows you to learn Spanish by interacting in Spanish with your classmates and the instructor on a daily basis. And with this Spanish textbook, you'll discover how to use what you've already learned in new and exciting ways. Plus, it's loaded with study tools so you'll be prepared to get great grades on the tests and quizzes. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
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Dimelo tu!: A Complete Course (Book Only)
Dimelo tu!: A Complete Course (Book Only)
Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
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Mundo 21, Student Activities Manual
Mundo 21, Student Activities Manual
This completely revised SAM consists of workbook and lab manual activities with skill-based approach to vocabulary practice and grammar practice (ranging from single-response, semi-controlled, and open-ended practice), as well as reading and writing steps for a complete composition.Reinforcement of contemporary cultural coverage is also featured for each lesson. For the online environment, up to 80 percent single-response activities allow for independent practice of vocabulary and structures. Pronunciation and emphasis on spelling, accents, and setting context of useful expressions is a key feature of the revised SAM
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Dimelo Tu
Dimelo Tu
This new edition is a communication-based program designed to help students develop competency in Spanish by allowing interaction with peers and instructors on a daily basis. The Competency Approach challenges students to understand the Spanish language and Hispanic cultures by encouraging them to use and apply their own resources to what they are learning. Culturally-integrated chapters focus on a specific Spanish-speaking country. Every element of the chapter, from the input, guided, and open-ended practice, to the role-plays, listening activities, readings, and grammar, is designed to reflect the highlighted country.
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Audio CD-ROM for Samaniego/Rojas/Ohara/Alarcon's Mundo 21
One audio CD contains all recorded material to accompany listening comprehension activities, and recordings of vocabulary sections help students polish their mastery of vocabulary words and expressions.
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Sam Program for Samaniego/Rojas/ohara/alarcon's Mundo 21
These CDs contain the recorded material to accompany the pronunciation and comprehension practice contained in the SAM. Features many newly recorded pronunciation and contextualized comprehension practice. Audio also available in mp3 format.
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Workbook with Lab Manual for Samaniego S Mundo 21, 3rd
Workbook with Lab Manual for Samaniego S Mundo 21, 3rd
Every lesson has two sections: The ¡A escuchar! and ¡A explorar! An answer key to all written exercises is provided so that students can monitor their progress throughout the program.
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Edicion Alternativa
Edicion Alternativa
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