We notice the perception of good and evil almost immediately; we receive the first undisputed signals from a pathology, more or less disabling, but important in action, where the doctor makes the decision to subject us to an examination and find out what the causes or motivations that have contributed to changes in our state of health, or that of our loved ones, because health is the first real area of man's weakness. Money is the other area of man's weakness which, if undermined, is a total rational insecurity in manifestations and expressions. Children are the other weak point, but in this exhortation, there is no scale of primary importance, only a normal progression within all fundamental events. Everything can be just a stupid warning, but mentally we build in our mind the possibility of tracing it back to something more serious, the habit that also moves us to other previous states of importance, paying attention to the physical, psychic, moral, sentimental condition , affective, which allows us to express and demonstrate how we are, and the current variable state on capabilities. Our organs give us the opportunity to warn in time the active or passive, low or high, performing, or poor functions, and often a negative symptom is an alarm bell of something that must be at once checked and prevented in the treatment. The brain and the heart are the only fundamental organs that do not cause pain, they are often adjacent areas that hurt, but not them, and in their functions, we have the measure of what our condition is, and whether the parameters are satisfactory or worrying. All material goods, things, or animals themselves, represent a manageable condition, where it is easy to make decisions, but man is complex with many variations and one thing that is not replaceable: Love in everything. The people we deal with every day give us the sweet and the bitter, we love them and we hate them, we want to see them and not see them, know about them or ignore them, but in the end it is enough to have a good degree of tolerance and acceptance. A mention of the spiritual part could not be missing, and my mind takes me back to Bolivia, a few decades ago. I was inside a Missionary headquarters, just outside the city of Oruro, in its own Department, when a Franciscan Friar asked, during mass, one hundred faithfuls, if they believed in GOD, and the choir rose in unison with the dramatic affirmation of yes. And then, after a while, came the second question whether they believed in the existence of the Devil and everyone was silent, as if wanting to hide, wanting to deny themselves, because they knew he stood for evil. A situation of confusion and small discussions was created among the faithful, when the friar concluded that, if they believed in good, they would be forced to believe in the existence of evil and the devil. They all looked at each other a bit, and looked for a sign of consensus among themselves, and the Friar declared the mass over and invited them to go out, because he said that on the path of each of them they would find evil, it was enough just to have the attention and the right strength to be able to recognize it.