The Mellifluous Bee
Adam of Dryburgh (d. 1212), a Scottish Canon of Prémontré, Monk of the Charterhouse of Witham, theologian, reformer, abbot, and hermit, is considered one of the earliest and most important witnesses to the nature of the canonical order in the twelfth century. Adam's theological works and sermons show a familiarity with the theological masters and schools of his day and indicate a profound familiarity with the Sacred Scripture, the liturgy of the Church, as well as, ancient classical and Christian literature. His theological writings are important for Marian theology because they present one of the earliest theological reflections on the status of the Blessed Virgin Mary for the reforming Canonical movement of the twelfth century. Adam's Marian theology maintains a formal Scriptural and Liturgical character; Mary is the daughter of the Father, Mother of the Son, and resting chamber of the Holy Spirit. She is the watered garden, the ark, the queen of heaven, and at the same time, Adam makes her approachable, humble, compassionate, familiar, close, a spiritual model for vowed religious; and, the Mother of the Canonical Order.