Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering
To prepare materials engineers and scientists of the future, Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering, Sixth Edition is designed to present diverse top¬ics in the field with appropriate breadth and depth. The strength of the book is in its balanced presentation of concepts in science of materials (basic knowledge) and engi¬neering of materials (applied knowledge). The basic and applied concepts are inte¬grated through concise textual explanations, relevant and stimulating imagery, detailed sample problems, electronic supplements, and homework problems. This textbook is therefore suitable for both an introductory course in materials at the sophomore level and a more advanced (junior/senior level) second course in materials science and engi¬neering. The extensive media package available with the text provides tutorials and animations, as well as image files, case studies, FE Exam review questions, and a solutions manual and lecture PowerPoint files for instructors.