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Studies in Islamic Law
Outlining in detail both civil and criminal law, this book is an illuminating journey through the intricate issues involved in Middle Eastern legal studies. The Shari'a, Joseph Schacht, human rights, radicalism, and the future of Islamic law are discussed. Studies in Islamic Law promises to be a useful volume for both specialists and students.
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Promises to Keep
Promises to Keep
For several decades, Italian-born Domenico Forte worked hard in America with the hopes of bringing his family with him. It was a slow process punctuated by two world wars. Domenico survived the first war, but World War II found him in America while his family was trapped in some of the most ferocious fighting of the Italian campaign. The Forte family eked out an existence on a farm just outside of Pico, a village in central Italy in the foothills of the Aurunci Mountains. The mountains' towering presence, coupled with a nearby labyrinth of strong rivers, became the setting for some of the most brutal combat of WWII. With a population of about 3,000, Pico became the linchpin of the German defenses; its fleeting military importance quickly brought the scourge of battle upon its citizenry. The Forte family was caught in the middle. Promises to Keep chronicles the war in Pico from two perspectives. It examines the military backdrop against which the taking of Pico occurred, and discusses the military celebrities in command at the time of the siege. But more than that, it shows how the brutal reality of war affected the population of Pico.
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The Pianoforte
The Pianoforte
Reprint of the original, first published in 1860.
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La Prova D'un Opera Seria
La Prova D'un Opera Seria
Reprint of the original, first published in 1836.
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The Writing Skill Builder for College Freshmen
The Writing Skill Builder for College Freshmen
The Writing Skill Builder for College Freshmen is a one-of-a-kind hands-on student's companion to better collegiate writing. In comparison to other rhetorical pedagogy, it is a reader-friendly helper that targets specific weak areas of writing to help alleviate the frustration that a number of students encounter in college writing. It is specifically written to help learners who prefer a simpler book to improve their writing. Furthermore, the exercises provide a sense of familiarity to ensure immediate connection with phrasings. Brief lectures are included before each set and accompanied by a questioning approach to foster better understanding in correcting repetitive, fundamental errors crucial to success in academic writing. The passages included are selected with care not only to accommodate practice but also to teach valuable lessons in writing clearly to connect to real-world experience. To be also teacher-friendly, a few essay assignments are linked to certain exercises to correlate with Composition 101 course requirements. Workbook Features: - Targeted coverage of specific areas of weakness that are troublesome for students such as fragments, cliché comma splices, run-on sentences, noun-pronoun parallels, trite expressions, particular areas of grammar, etc. - Minimal lecture with clear examples and explanations preceding each section - A wide range of brief exercises with interesting assignments - Answer keys with suggested revisions for all exercises - On-the-spot A to Z access to informal words in standardized dictionaries that should be avoided in formal writing in and out of college - An A to Z list of formal words and terminologies often misused - A complement of present tense synonym replacements for "say" in alphabetical order to improve repertoire of words for more advanced usages, especially in literary and research essays - Works Cited page in Modern Language Association format with 2009 updates - A light-weight text that teachers will enjoy, too Joy F. Beckford is an English teacher who writes from years of experience teaching in Caribbean and American classrooms. She is also a Sigma Tau Delta scholar with a Master's degree in English from State University of New York College at Brockport. Her forte is helping students become more comfortable with writing as they develop mastery of writing skills. Her passion and love for English are further reflected in another workbook entitled Grade Nine Achievement Tests in English, which challenges high school students to prepare for college-level work. She has taught at all levels, including Monroe Community College in New York, and now teaches at Palm Beach State College in Florida.
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The Great Tone-Poets
The Great Tone-Poets
Reprint of the original, first published in 1874.
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iPlanet Application Server
iPlanet Application Server
Your insider's guide to iAS, from a systems engineer on the iPlanet team and one of the leading independent iAS implementation consultants In this first-ever guide to iAS, iPlanet insiders show you how to master the ins and outs of this leading J2EE application server, build Java enterprise applications that harness its full power, and manage application deployments for peak performance. You'll find out how to customize an iAS development environment, optimize application design for iAS architecture, and tackle administration tasks such as clustering and registry tuneups. Throughout, the authors explain quirks and undocumented features, demonstrate time-saving tricks, and pinpoint best practices for a host of mission-critical iAS issues. You'll learn how to: * Install iAS and set up a development environment * Take advantage of the way iAS handles servlets, JSPs, and EJBs * Package applications to make the most of iAS * Integrate Forte for Java and other IDEs * Manage application deployment, load balancing, and failover * Save time and trouble with iAS registry secrets and logging tricks * Harness the power of SOAP and Web services * Make the most of RMI/IIOP * Implement best practices for everything from automated builds to high availability architectures The CD-ROM features: * Code examples from the book * Forte for Java, release 3.0, Community Edition * Java 2 Software Development Kit, Standard Edition version 1.4 for Windows * ICSynergy iPlanet ANT Extensions
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The Faïence Violin
The Faïence Violin
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WWII Dragon Tale
WWII Dragon Tale
Dragon tem a missão de impedir que o plano da bomba atómica chegue às mãos erradas. Ele e a sua equipa vão para Berlim onde há rumores que um cientista chamado Dr. Octopus irá entregar a fórmula aos países do Eixo. Dragon e a sua equipa assim que chegam a Berlim tentam descobrir onde o cientista se esconde, mas infelizmente era uma armadilha que os levou onde o cientista queria, tendo sido capturados um a um com ajuda dos nazis. Foram levados para um campo de concentração onde descobrem o plano de Dr. Octopus, sendo usados como cobaias em experiências. Dragon, com ajuda de um espião britânico, consegue escapar e terá que lidar com os efeitos da experiência e ficar cada vez mais forte para superar os obstáculos. Como irá Dragon derrotar os países do Eixo que têm vários militares com habilidades? Será que a fórmula era o verdadeiro objetivo dos Nazis ou a fórmula é apenas algo pequeno por detrás de algo grande que estará por vir?
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