Water Worlds
THIS IS THE THIRD and final volume in a series of anthologies by the members of the Saucy Ink writing group (http://saucy.saucyink.net). There was quite a spirited discussion of the theme of this volume, and the final vote was close, but the decision was embraced by all: water. In the first two books, it was pretty simple to create a story using a unicorn or a dragon. With water as the central figure, things get a bit more . . . fluid. However, you'll find that the authors used the medium quite well in their respective stories. Some are light, some are quite dark; there is fantasy, there is science fiction. At least one story combines elements of both fantasy and science fiction. There is humor, there is pathos, and there is tragedy. One thing common to every story, though, is excellent writing. If you enjoy these stories, then make a note of the authors' names, because you'll be seeing them often.