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State and Ideology
State and Ideology
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Meanings of Citizenship in Latin America
Meanings of Citizenship in Latin America
References p. 23-27.
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Disputing Citizenship
Disputing Citizenship
Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence. Citizenship is always in dispute – in practice as well as in theory – but conventional perspectives do not address why the concept of citizenship is so contentious. This unique book presents a new perspective on citizenship by treating it as a continuing focus of dispute.The authors dispute the way citizenship is normally conceived and analysed within the social sciences, developing a view of citizenship as always emerging from struggle. This view is advanced through an exploration of the entanglements of politics, culture and power that are both embodied and contested in forms and practices of citizenship. This compelling view of citizenship emerges from the international and interdisciplinary collaboration of the four authors, drawing on the diverse disputes over citizenship in their countries of origin (Brazil, France, the UK and the US). The book is essential reading for anyone interested in the field of citizenship, no matter what their geographical, political or academic location.
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La disputa por la construcción democrática en América Latina
La disputa por la construcción democrática en América Latina
Este libro presenta un panorama de los dilemas del proceso de democratizaci n de Am rica Latina, resaltando las experiencias de Brasil, Argentina, M xico y Chile, Para lo cual adopta perspectivas anal ticas innovadoras que critican varios lugares comunes e ideas dominantes en el campo de la pol tica latinoamericana, en especial el limitado concepto de democracia como proceso electoral competitivo.
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Sociedad civil, esfera pública y democratización en América Latina
Sociedad civil, esfera pública y democratización en América Latina
En el caso brasile o, resaltan las iniciativas civiles impulsadas por los poderosos movimientos populares. En el Cono Sur (Colombia, Per , Chile y Argentina) se analizan los efectos sociales del ajuste neoliberal y la reacci n de los diferentes actores sociales frente al mercado y el Estado.
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