Archaic Economy and Modern Society
The work is concerned with the contradiction between the gift and the commodity and the essentials of the corresponding modes of human being. An answer is sought to how and why the gift is constituted as the essence of archaic mode of being and production. A paradigm focusing on internal causes of underdevelopment is also presented. According to that perspective the gift becomes a ghost in the modern machinery of the commodity in the present-day Third World, disturbing economy and administration from within. In this alien context, the gift effects a displacement of essence of economic relationships and appears, now as corruption, theft, nepotism, bribe. deals shortly with basic archaic gift-structures as expressed in various terms, ranging from relations of sexes to those of ritual natures. A key issue is the difference between archaic and modern mind and labour. It is argued that the different modalities of archaic organization possess a different potency for development of the materially based relations. The course of development runs towards relative independency of the economic from mentally based relations as erected on communication of social meaning and norms or petrified rules. The gift society finally gives rise to its negation, the commodity, which through the dynamism and accomplishments of capital will, hopefully, give way to its own negation in human ethics, ownness and reason as the principles of socio-economic organization and planning. and history, and is concerned with basic rather than applied research. The illustration of theoretical points often derives from the authors' fieldwork among the Sinhalese and their experience of Bangladeshian society. Besides, some major normative-communicative relationships of the Sinhalese, including the marriage system, the traditional property system and the caste system, are dealt with separately in selected fieldnotes towards the end of the work.