Behavior and Cognitive Therapy Today
This book carries the Proceedings of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapy conference held in Venice in September 1997 and is dedicated to the memory of Hans Eysenck. The EACBT conference provides a rare opportunity for a wide range of clinicians and researchers from all over Europe and the USSR to come together, resulting in a highly topical and valuable range of scientific presentations. The Proceedings comprises over twenty papers addressing key subjects in terms of behavioural and cognitive therapy including panic, affective disorders, paraphilia, schizophrenia, PTSD, obsession and other psychological disorders. Of particular interest are chapters on the use of cognitive behaviour therapy versus supportive therapy in social phobia (Cottraux), the psychological treatment of paraphilias (De Silva), the theory and treatment of PTSD (Foa), the use of Diagnostic Profiling System in treatment planning (Freeman) and a cognitive theory of obsession (Rachman).