The Human Mind and Belief
The human mind is all we have got to understand anything. There is enormous variety in the capacity and the spectrum of human minds. Some think little, some invent, some have the genius factor, and most are the basic model. They all have common characteristics such as desire for knowledge, for love, for happiness, for understanding of suffering and grief. Some ponder the bigger questions like, the meaning of life, the immortality of the soul, the existence of God, and others don't or ignore them. The nature of knowledge and the capacity of the human mind to "know" are mysteries. The inexorible progress of humanity and striving toward more information and technical advancement begs the question the song asks "is that all there is?" What is the end game for man, the human mind and the world as we know it? These and other thought provoking issues have exercized the mind of man since forever. These pages, gleaned from the exposure to the mental suffering of thousands of patients, tries to make a user friendly guide to the human brain/mind, and what it means to be human.