Government - the Biggest Scams in History - 5th Edition
The softcover version of "Government" - The Biggest Scams in History? Exposed! - How Inter-Generational Organized Crime Runs the "Government," Media, and Academia. This 5th edition includes a redesign, new "one-pagers," and updated content. Using historical photographs, visualizations, media ownership charts, infographics, and memes, the book is designed to accelerate and deepen the understanding of the 65% of the population that are "visual learners," including revealing historical patterns, organizational structures, banking monopolization and other previously hidden connections through visualization. The book catalogs 20+ unethically manipulative techniques used on free human beings to create an artificial culture that produces obedient "taxpayers" and "order followers" willing to kill on command or use violence on peaceful people to enforce the edicts of an artificially indoctrinated statist religion on their friends, relatives and neighbors.The book is backed up by The Liberator (sold separately)- A credit card-sized companion flash drive (and free Dropboxes) full of evidence and liberty resources that both expose the control system and provide the healthy alternatives of voluntaryism, freedom, love, tolerance, agorism, counter-economics, and cryptocurrencies. The new 2023 64GB Liberator has hundreds of survivalist and self-sufficiency resources and the companion material for our upcoming book: Solving Covid - The Second Biggest Scam in History. The physical books and flash drives, low-cost bulk copy "friends' bundles," and now pop-up guerrilla bookstores are designed explicitly for hand-to-hand distribution to get around organized crime's "propaganda matrix" of six monopoly media companies running hundreds of subsidiaries, chain bookstores and around three-four dozen internet search, social media, streaming platforms, fact-checkers, and video sites that offer the illusion of choice and diversity-of-opinion on the DARPA Internet.