Market_Desc: Primary Audience--IT professionals who provide support for an Exchange Server 2010 system. They are likely responsible for rolling our their organization's enterprise-level email messaging program. Secondary Audience--Certification candidates looking to pass the MCTS and MCITP exams for Exchange Server 2010. Special Features: · The MUST HAVE for Messaging Admins--This book delivers exactly the information those in the field need to know. Focusing on the specific topics those in the trenches will need to be familiar with--including installing, deploying, supporting, and maintaining Exchange Server 2010 with--this is the ideal guide for those who work with Exchange Server on a day-to-day basis.· Strong Author Platform--Written by Exchange MVP Joel Stidley, a frequent speaker, contributor, and founder of, a leading Microsoft Exchange Server website and blog.· Enhanced CD--Authors discussed some of the more difficult tasks and topics with video walkthroughs exclusive to the CD.· Established Audience--Exchange Server is the leading email server software in the world, with an estimated userbase of over 150 million users. With the highly anticipated release of Windows 7, and Server 2008, R2, many IT professionals will look to update their email messaging and collaboration server.· Supplement for MCTIP Candidates--Book covers the exam objectives for the two required Microsoft Certification Exams: Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, Configuring (70-662) and Designing and Deploying Messaging Solutions with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 (70-663). There are currently over 100,000 certified Exchange Server professionals. About The Book: As organizations look to roll out their email messaging solution, they will need qualified IT professionals to handle this difficult task. This book is the book for those IT Professionals. Real World Exchange Server 2010 is the ideal guide for messaging administrators who are in the trenches. This highly focused yet comprehensive guide focuses on the skills, concepts, technologies, and potential pitfalls they can expect to face in the real world.Readers will learn to successfully design a highly available email messaging server, as well as learn how to install and configure Exchange Server 2010, work with recipients, groups and mailboxes, configure public folders and secure Exchange.For those interested in achieving their MCITP on Exchange Server 2010, this is the ideal supplement. Candidates will be able to use this book to learn relevant information about the different testable concepts, as well as full coverage of the exam objectives for the two required exams:· Exam 70-662--Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, Configuring · Exam 70-663--Designing and Deploying Messaging Solutions with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010