New Developments in Group Counseling
Group counseling is a rapidly changing field. This collection of 31 digests examines various aspects of group process and group counseling. The digests are arranged under different subject headings. In section 1, the nature of group work is examined, along with the evolution of group work training since 1990. The second section looks at application of theories in groups, highlighting such approaches as solution-focused counseling, impact therapy, and the use of gestalt psychodrama. The next heading explores groups in the schools and includes discussions of interferences to small group work, children of divorce, the use of creative arts, psychodrama techniques, and the inclusion of students with disabilities in group work. Working with adults and families is covered in section four. This section offers insights into helping older adults age, conducting parent education groups, multiple family group therapy, and multifamily group psychotherapy. Section five deals with group dynamics and group processes. Some of the suggestions here center on efficient therapy groups, using corrective feedback, using self-concept as an integrator of group process, and group psychotherapy and close friendships. A group model is also offered. Since many groups accompany special circumstances, section six gives advice on handling clients experiencing grief, how to confront hostile behavior, group dynamics and problem members, interventions with ex-cultists, members with disabilities, and multicultural group counseling. The last two sections delve into teamwork and its importance in group work, and the education of groups and of group specialists. Contains an annotated bibliography of resources on group process and group counseling. (RJM)