Contracts in Context
Buy a new version of this Connected Casebook and receive access to the online e-book, practice questions from your favorite study aids, and an outline tool on CasebookConnect, the all in one learning solution for law school students. CasebookConnect offers you what you need most to be successful in your law school classes-- portability, meaningful feedback, and greater efficiency. This looseleaf version of the Connected Casebook does not come with a binder. This new casebook focuses on the transactional nature of contracts. In addition to describing the law of contracts and how the law is applied in litigation, Contracts in Context: From Transaction to Litigation explores why parties enter into contracts, how written contracts are customarily structured, and why and how parties use contract design and terms to achieve their goals. It explores how parties "contract around" default requirements of the law, in addition to satisfying mandatory aspects of the law, through contracts. The book describes the role of both the transactional lawyer and litigator in working with contracts. It presents much of the material in expository fashion rather than only or primarily through cases. It then challenges students to apply that law through transactional and litigation practice and simulation problems. Professors and students will benefit from: Material presented not only on contract law, but also on contract design and terms, so that students understand how contracts and contract law support private ordering by parties Many examples of contract language to demonstrate why and how parties customize contracts to further their goals Discussion of the role of the transactional lawyer in working with contracts so that students can begin to develop important transactional skills and wrestle with some of the professional dilemmas transactional lawyers frequently face Material presented through expository text to give students a more comprehensive and clearer view of what limits the law imposes on their private ordering through contracts and which requirements can be contracted around A large set of problems, many of which involve tasks assigned to new transactional lawyers and litigators, to allow students to learn the material through active participation and critical thinking Teaching materials include: A teacher's manual with a summary of cases and answers to problems A set of class notes with answers to problems PowerPoint slides to accompany class notes A set of iClicker slides that can be used for formative assessments at strategic points during the semester CasebookConnect features: ONLINE E-BOOK Law school comes with a lot of reading, so access your enhanced e-book anytime, anywhere to keep up with your coursework. Highlight, take notes in the margins, and search the full text to quickly find coverage of legal topics. PRACTICE QUESTIONS Quiz yourself before class and prep for your exam in the Study Center. Practice questions from Examples & Explanations, Emanuel Law Outlines, Emanuel Law in a Flash flashcards, and other best-selling study aid series help you study for exams while tracking your strengths and weaknesses to help optimize your study time. OUTLINE TOOL Most professors will tell you that starting your outline early is key to being successful in your law school classes. The Outline Tool automatically populates your notes and highlights from the e-book into an editable format to accelerate your outline creation and increase study time later in the semester.