Need to Know Basis (redacted Edition)
"Need to Know Basis (redacted edition)" is a 2014 poetry and prose collection book from Scars Publications ( of select materials accepted for 2014 issues through cc&d magazine ( Down in the Dirt magazine ( Publications released 2 annual collection books this year, "Need to Know Basis (redacted edition)" and "Need to Know Basis (Extended edition)". Both collections are a similar length, but the redacted edition contains many more pieces of poetry and many more shorter pieces of prose, whiole the extended edition contains fewer pieces of poetry and much longer pieces of prose (with short poems following long stories throughout the book, and withonly a short blck of poetry at the end of the book).Writers and artists included in this book are Janet Kuypers, A. Lenkeit, A.J. Huffman, Aaron Wilder, Aidan King, Alex Patterson, Allan Onik, Allen M Weber, Andrew H. Oerke, Andrew L. Miller, Andy Roberts, Anna Majeski, Anna Maria Hansen, Anthony Brazeau, Ash Medhurst, Becky Grush, Ben Macnair, Benjamin Sabin, Bill Kroger, Bill Tarlin, Bill Yarrow, Bob Strother, Brett Milam, Brian Forrest , Brian Looney, Brian Rodan, Bruce Matteson, C Ra McGuirt, C. Covey Mason, Caleb Holbrook, Cara Losier Chanoine, CEE, Charlie Newman, Cheryl Townsend, Chris Milam, Christopher Barnes, Clinton Van Inman, Corey Cook, Cynthia Lewis, Damian Sebouhian, Dan Fitzgerald, Daniel J OíBrien, Daniel S. Weinberg, Daniel Stockwell, Darcy Wilmoth, David Hernandez, David Hutt, David J. Thompson, David Michael Jackson, David Michael Schmidt, David S. Pointer, Denice Penrose, Devon Sova, Don Hargraves, Donald Gaither, Doug Draime, Dr. (Ms.) Michael S. Whitt, Drew Nacht, Ed ìTough Gutî Wilson, Eleanor Leonne Bennett, Elly Moore, Eric Burbridge, Erica Haldi, Erren Kelly, Erve Beiser, Fred Miller, Frederick Pollack, Fritz Hamilton, Gabriella M. Belfiglio, George Arthur, George Gott, George Semko, H. D. Loughrey, Henry Sosnowski, Holly Day, I.B. Rad, Jackie Smith, James Warner, Jane Stuart, Janet Doggett, Janna Willard, Jeífree, Jean Wiggins, Jeff Burt, Jeff Wyman, Jenene Ravsloot, Jennifer Ihas, Jerry Pendergast, Jesse Martin, Jim Meirose, Joan Koerper, John Clayton Heinz, John Grey, John Paul Younes, Jon Brunette, Jordan Blum, Joseph Bodie, Joseph Kraus, Joshua Copeland, Jr., Judith Kaufman, Julie Kovacs, Julie L. Brown, Justin W. Price, K.D. Alter, kalifornia, Kelley Jean White MD, Kelly Haas Shackeforld, Kenneth DiMaggio, Kennita Ballard, Kerry Lown Whalen, Lennart Lundh, Liam C. Calhoun, Linda M. Crate, Linda Webb Aceto, Lisa Gray, Lyn Lifshin, M. Thomas, M.C. Rydel, Madison Gardler, Marina Manoukian, Mark C. Lane, Mark Herden, Mark Scott, Matt LeShay, Matt Marinovich, Matt Quinn, Matthew L. Hall, Matthew Schmidt, MCD, Mel Waldman, Melissa Davis, Meredith Wilshere, Michael Ceraolo, Michael Cluff, Michael Estabrook, Michael Hoag, Michael J. Grodesky, Michael Lee Johnson, Mike Brennan, Natasha Grewal, Nicholas E. Efstathiou, Oz Hardwick, Oz Hardwick bonus, Patrick Fealey, Patrick Hurley, Paul Bavister, Paul Bellerive, Paul Smith, Peter Hully, Peter LaBerge, Peter Layton, Peter McMillan, Pijush Kanti Deb, R. N. Taber, R. W. Lowrie, Rachel Park, Ralph Monday, Rex Sexton, Robert Bates, Robert Crowl, Roger Cowin, Roger G. Singer, Ronald Brunsky, Ronald Charles Epstein, Rose E. Griergraphy , Rurik Asher Baumrin, S. R. Mearns, S.L. Dixon, Samantha Memi, Sarah Lucille Marchant, Simon Perchik, Stanley M Noah, Stephen Todd Booker, Stephen V. Ramey, Susan Rocks, Tendai R. Mwanaka, Terri Muuss, Tom Roby , Tom Sheehan, Trevor Hackley, ‹zeyir Lokman «AYCI, Victoria Smith, Vittorio Carli, William A. Greenfield, William F. Meyer, William Ogden Haynes, Xanadu, and Zoe Broome.