The Entrepreneur Magazine Small Business Advisor
It's like having a team of top business consultants on call 24 hours a day . . . but a whole lot cheaper. Each month for over 20 years, hundreds of thousands of enterprising individuals have turned to Entrepreneur Magazine for news on the latest business trends and expert tips on how to maximize the success of their ventures. Now from the experts at Entrepreneur, here is the ultimate guide to starting, managing, and growing a small business. Written to meet all the information needs of entrepreneurs, small business owners, and those thinking about going into business for themselves, this practical, user-friendly guide tells you everything you need to know about setting goals and objectives, assessing risk, finding the right location, financing, marketing, pricing, taxation, insurance, record keeping, personnel management, purchasing, inventory, time and stress management, legal matters, advertising, sales, obtaining expansion capital, and many other topics of vital importance to smart, enterprising businesspeople like you. Proven strategies, techniques, and expert tips on every aspect of starting, managing, and growing a small business. * Defines all important terms and clearly explains difficult concepts in plain English. * Packed with useful worksheets, checklists, sample forms, and other valuable business tools that you can put to work for you, today. * Chapters include listings of trade associations, periodicals, on-line services, software, government agencies, and other valuable sources of business assistance and information. ENTREPRENEUR is the banner publication of the Entrepreneur Magazine Group. It has the largest newsstand circulation of any business monthly and has a total ABC audited circulation of 531,000. The Entrepreneur Magazine Group also publishes Business Start-Ups and Entrepreneur Mexico, and software that deals with business start-up management. Also available from the Entrepreneur Magazine library: * Starting a Home-Based Business, Second Edition. * Starting an Import/Export Business. * Small Business Legal Guide. * Making Money with Your Personal Computer.