Colorized Policing
I was born into the human race where the color of my skin becomes the greatest adversary. That figment has become the dominance and the root of racism. Sometimes, it is perceived as inferior or superior, depending on who the judges are. In my early adolescent year, it was unreal that I would be up against a xenophobic buzz that becomes the resounding echoes of disgust, marred with a litany of terrors and horrors of the slave trade.Sometimes, I dabble with this uncertainty, and the untoward gaffe twisted verbiage of bigotry. And I wonder how social divisiveness, racism, and prejudice have overwhelmingly taken the place of unification and love in America.I had lived in denial for decades and toy with the fantasy of the so-called equal rights and the mindset of having the same opportunities like any other folks in the world that no one is born hating another person because of the skin color, race, background, or religion; and I thought the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution is here to stay until the reality of life struck me that I had to work arduously, over educate myself, strive harder, and impress twice as hard to get half as far in America.Black people in America have been robbed of their liberty, work the lowest wages, been beaten with sticks, flay their flesh with lash and knock them off their feet and knelt on their necks until they give up the ghost. All these tortuous moments happen everyday when a minority group encounters a police in America.Being a Black man, you are not invisible to molestation, intimidation, and harassment whenever you walk the street, drive your car, go shopping, go camping, or send your kid to school.The erstwhile President of the United States of American, Donald J. Trump, repeatedly touted this sickening demeaning verbiage sometimes in 2018 referring Africa continent as a "shit hole", the Hispanics as "rapists", and Muslims "the terrorists." The Andrew Johnson wanna be Donald Trump has done incalculable damage to all Americans - eroding the trust and social cohesion the nation depends on to thrive. He embraces the norm of colorized policing we all see today in American police departments. In fairness, colorized policing is a covert and surreptitious way of brutalizing people by virtue of race or class in the society, especially the colored ones, executed under the watchful eye of the rule of law to dehumanize, and subtly target and apprehend unarmed people particularly the black race with no or negligible infractions causing verbal or physical harassment, temporary damage to body parts, excruciating concussion or immediate death.