Policy Analysis of Multi-Actor Systems
Deze titel is digitaal beschikbaar via Open Access. Volg deze link om de publicatie te bekijken. Policy Analysis of Multi-Actor Systemsis an introduction into the art and craft of problem exploration and problem structuring. It positions policy analysis as a scientific discipline focused on systems analysis in a multiactor context to support better informed decision-making. The approach presented in this book is considered to be the cornerstone of the curricula of the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management of Delft University of Technology and underlies the research on (the governance of) socio-technical systems. Systems thinking applied in a multi-actor environment and its inherent multi-disciplinary character is what makes this work stand out from traditional hard- and soft systems approaches. The core of the book is dedicated to systems analysis, actor- or stakeholderanalysis and discusses methods for dealing with uncertainty. These analytical activities combined lead to a rich problem description and to plans for further research. Due to the stepwise approach this book serves as a basis for any problem analysis both for our bachelor and master students, our alumni worldwide and any interested practitioners.