The Humanities
Covering nearly 1,400 information sources, this book maps the vast terrain of knowledge in humanities studies. Detailed annotations give users an in-depth view of the sources and thorough indexes provide easy access. Web resources are included on a highly selective basis. The number of information sources and the diversification of formats are revolutionizing library and scholarly practice. While accessing information is easier, evaluation of resources has become increasingly more difficult. Covering a broader territory and more sources than previous editions, this book offers an up-to-date, reliable guide to nearly 1,400 of the most important and representative information sources in the immense discipline of humanities studies. Following the basic organization of previous editions, Blazek and Aversa present chapters on sources (reference tools) and access (ways to find and retrieve information) for each subject covered (e.g., language and literature, philosophy, visual arts). For the first time the authors have included web resources and their URLs on a highly selective basis. All sources have been reviewed, updated, and in many cases expanded. Computerized databases (both online and CD-ROM) are integrated with the books. Detailed annotations give users an in-d