Genealogy Online 9/E
Fully updated to cover the latest Web 2.0 technologies—including social networking and blogs Genealogy Online, Ninth Edition provides guided tour of online resources and communities helps anyone begin or dive deeper into a family history project. Thoroughly revised throughout, this new edition shows you how Web 2.0 tools can help you get more done in less time. The book reveals newly available records online, new citation methods for records found on the Internet, and more genealogy sites than ever before! Genealogy experts publish blogs, podcasts, and newsletters filled with guidance, tips, and pointers to help researchers avoid the pitfalls while breaking down the walls that obscure family histories. With coverage of more than 100 websites, this book guides researchers to the best online resources and away from wastes of time and money. Genealogy Online, Ninth Edition features: New case studies and examples Details on the newest resources, including blogs, podcasts, and newsletters Coverage of social networking for genealogists both to gain and to give data, including a chapter on Facebook and Second Life Information on the newly redesigned Mormon Genealogy site, including the indexing program Expanded coverage of library card indexes, PRSI, online databases, and other resources available at local libraries A revised chapter on chat, to include formats such as Skype and IM Review of the Previous Edition “With her thorough but not overwhelming descriptions, Crowe provides genealogists with a solid roadmap for successful searching. Libraries currently owning earlier editions will want to purchase this one for the updated information. Recommended for public and genealogy library collections.” --School Library Journal Everything for the online genealogist: Beginning a Genealogy Project; Software You Will Need; Genealogy Education; Online Communities; Ethics, Privacy, and Law in Genealogy; Revving Up Search Engines; Twitter, Skype, IM and Chat; Genealogy Mail Lists, Newsletters and Mail Groups; Social Networking; Social Bookmarking and Tagging; Blogging Your Genealogy, Sites, Software and More; Vital Records and Historic Documents; The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints; Ellis Island Online: The American Family Immigration History Center; Online Library Card Catalogs and Services; International Genealogy Resources; Ethnic Genealogy Resources; The National Genealogical Society; and RootsWeb; Genealogical Publishing Houses and Their Sites; A Potpourri of Geneaology; Genealogical Standards and Guidelines from the National Genealogical Society