How to Use New Thought in Home Life
"How to Use New Thought in Home Life" Complete Unabridged Original Edition by Elizabeth Towne is a classic personal development book that come from a variety of origins, such as Ancient Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Chinese, Taoist, Vedic, Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist cultures and their related belief systems The book will guide you through the law of attraction and how to apply it in your everyday life. It is composed of 39 chapters, each going into specific situations like how to become successful as a couple, how to deal with arguments, how to make yourself liked and how to express yourself, how to make and spend money, how to raise a child in a good environment, how to answer your child's questions, and much more Elizabeth Jones Towne (May 11, 1865 - June 1, 1960) was an influential writer in the New Thought and self-help movements, her book is shown in the opening sequence of the 2006 movie "The Secret"