Climate Change Education and Curriculum Revision
Climate change is intensifying worldwide, and countries might be approaching a tipping point from which there will be no return to avoid extensive damages. While the impacts of climate change affect every country, nations like Indonesia are more susceptible to suffering its devastating consequences, such as irreversible resource loss and more frequent severe weather events. Preparing the next generation to mitigate and adapt to ongoing climate change requires systems transformation, including the integration of climate change education (CCE) across school curricula at all levels, from preschool to tertiary education, and the creation of a coalition of actors committed to climate action. The World Bank is providing technical assistance and advice to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (MoECRT) and the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MoRA) of Indonesia through the Learning for Human Capital Development Programmatic Advisory Services and Analytics (PASA). This PASA's areas of technical assistance include a support to the revision of the national curriculum, under which this policy note was prepared. This policy note, which was prepared to inform the initial stages of the implementation of the revised Indonesian curriculum through the lens of climate change, includes three main sections: (a) an overview of the climate challenge and the country's context; (b) the concept of CCE and related frameworks, including how these align with current Indonesian policies and programs; and (c) recommendations for promoting CCE in Indonesia through the revised national curriculum. The key recommendations outlined in this note for consideration of MoECRT and MoRA are: (a) develop teachers' competence in CCE through an enhanced professional development system; (b) reorient the system's culture toward education for sustainable development at the local and national levels; (c) promote partnerships to build capacity and design student-centered learning programs; and (d) design climate-friendly, resilient, and accessible education infrastructure.