An Angel Among Us
I wrote this book to show my love, honor, and respect for Michael. I believe we are all ethereal creatures in material bodies, biologically electrical in nature. Michael used the term "divine union" and I love it. I use many sources such as: the Bible, Egyptian lore, Biblical and Traditional Numerology, Astrology, evolution of spirit in our society, writings on Archangel Michael, and Michael's life, to outline and prove His true divine nature. Michael was open, unique, curious, fearless, and loving, as children are. He wore His heart on His sleeve, as children do. He was just as easily hurt and mistreated as children can be. He had the ancient soul of an angel with the heart of a child. In order to live a spiritually enlightened, fully enriched life, a person must find meaning, love, and peace. I have always had these in my life because I have always had Michael in my life. What I outline in this book are no coincidences. They all form a pattern; a beat; a rhythm. That rhythm is the music of the spheres, of Heaven, of the universe. Michael knew this and He tried to bring everyone together to sway as one..... one family under love. With His songs and dances He captured the world's attention. We let Him into our hearts where He planted the seeds of love. We watched Him channel the white, hot, energy of God's love. This incredible energy is what we were all driven to love and admire. Michael was God's chosen messenger for our modern times and He wanted us to understand we were all sisters and brothers, all children of God. His strong, shining, spirit will live forever within the heart of each of us. He said, "We were never separate, you and I." If you read this book with an open heart and open mind, not presuming to know God's will, I am sure you will feel immense love and brilliant surprise! It's all for love....... L O V E